Jul 17Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

It's hard to get people to change their mindset. Liberalism has rotted peoples mind to the core. They cannot de-attomize themselves.

Im blessed with a wife who understands and shares my vision of tribe and clan, but outisde that it's been a struggle for finding people who can even consider being part of a tribe and having a personal mutual responsibility with anyone. I have one friend who has been able to hear me and accept an insider vs outsider perspective. Everyone else in my life is just impossible to reach.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

Oh, I completely understand. My wife is a blessing in that regard as well as are the couple friends such as your own. The people in my budding Polity have *some* idea of it, but give some push back as well, usually on topics around the civic religion, but some have their own specific hang ups. My Priest thinks that I might as well bash my head against a wall, and that people won't realize they need it until they actually need it. I tell him that by the time they need it, it will be too late, and that I can go through a little pain and push back to help people become closer together and be better prepared when things collapse.

I'm fairly certain that one has to be good at either leading by example of what you're doing in life and/or having the ability to go through a fair bit of head strong people. I've seen this work though. You'll get people that get the idea, and are willing to build community and a Polity to 'buy in' as it were. It just takes time, and being shown that it's worth doing.

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